Push-up exercise, Bench Up and Down Exercise, Smash SkillAbstract
This study aims to determine the effect of push-up exercises and bench-up and down exercises on increasing the smash ability of women's volleyball at FOMA Muhammadiyah University of Bone. This study consisted of two variables, namely the independent variable, namely the effect of push-up training and bench-lifting exercises on increasing the smash ability of women's volleyball at FOMA Muhammadiyah Bone University and the dependent variable increasing the ability to smash in volleyball games. Using a Two-Group Pretest-Posstest Design research design. The population of this study were members of the Women's Volleyball FOMA University of Bone Muhammadiyah, which numbered 12 people.
The results showed that (1) there was a significant effect of push-up training on the improvement of women's volleyball smash ability at FOMA University of Muhammadiyah Bone, with t count 9.507> t table 1.79, and a significance value of 0.00 <0.05. (2) There is a significant effect of bench-up and down exercises on the increase in women's volleyball smash ability at FOMA Muhammadiyah University of Bone, with t count 9.507> t table 1.79, and a significance value of 0.00 <0.05. (3) There was a significant increase in push-up exercises and bench-lifting exercises towards improving the smash ability of women's volleyball FOMA Muhammadiyah University of Bone, with an average increase of 30.55 and 29.37%. Push-up exercises have a greater influence than bench-lifting exercises on improving the smash ability of women's volleyball FOMA Muhammadiyah University of Bone.
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